We're looking forward to attending the programme meeting 'Designing Out-of-Equilibrium Many-Body Quantum Systems' at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow from 25 - 27 October.
This research programme, funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council sets out to explore and design "forms of out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics that are relevant for future technologies, by using quantum simulators based on atomic gases in optical potentials".
The programme combines theory and experimentation across the Universities of Strathclyde, Cambridge, and Oxford.
Programme aims include:
- Develop and benchmark a new generation of quantum simulators for out-of-equilibrium dynamics
- Using simulators to explore novel fundamental aspects of out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics, including steady-state properties of driven systems, time-dependent behaviour of systems near critical points, and dynamics in systems with topological properties or frustration
- Applying systems to form a basis for enhanced technologies in quantum metrology and sensing, and also optoelectronic switching, and to explore emergent non-equilibrium phenomena, including pairing in driven systems and quantum transport dynamics (WP5).
We are delighted to take part in the programme kickoff meeting at the University of Strathclyde from the 25 - 27 October.
To find out more visit: